AVERY creates its exclusive and sophisticated line of Amenities, meant to be introduced in some of the most charming hotels in the world
AVERY Amenities value the minimalism typical of Italian style, which is blended with the luminous elegance of the AVERY collection. They are specifically designed for boutique hotels of extraordinary beauty, conveying a love of culture and art via their fully eco-sustaninable packaging.

All AVERY Amenities are expressed through the fragrance WHITE NOT, celebrating the quintessence of art and beauty as two individual sets of products, which can be arranged in elegant displays in front of mirrors or on reflecting surfaces:
BHW Body Hand Wash 50 ml
BHT Body Hand Cream 50 ml
NHW Normalising Hair Wash 50 ml
SHC Delicate Hair Conditioner 50 ml
WHP Wispering Hair Perfume 30 ml
ROP Roll on Perfume 10 ml
SBS Scent Bath Salts 50 ml
STS Scent Travel Soap 50 g
The new line of amenities is characterised both by its great quality and simplicity, marked by AVERY's unmistakable shades of bronze
The products are protect in containers entirely made in Italy using recyclable materials, following the latest innovations for reducing the introduction of new plastic into the environment. This choice of packaging is aligned with AVERY's ongoing sustainability program, which sets strict parameters aimed at preserving natural resources, arts, and culture for future generations.